Thursday, November 26, 2009

Rockhopper Tracker!

This is the ultimate Rockhopper Tracker! It helps you locate Rockhopper(he can be VERY hard to find). I'll post on this blog when Rockhopper is coming back! I got this Rockhopper Tracker from this link:

Rockhopper Tracker

Rockhopper Location

How To Say "Sensei" Properly!

How To Say "Sensei" Properly:
You say "Sen-say", not "Sen-si"!
I hope it helps!!!

Sensei Tracker!

Here is the new Sensei Tracker! They tell you what Club Penguin server Sensei is on . This oneI got it from this link:

Sensei Tracker

Sensei Location

New Club Penguin Pin Tracker!

This is a Club Penguin Pin Tracker!!! It locates the new pin(a new one comes every 2 weeks) on Club Penguin for you. I got it from this link:

Club Penguin Pin Tracker

Card-Jitsu Feu!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Club Penguin In French!

Club Penguin is in French! If you want to play, just go to:
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Desafio-Ninja Fogo

Card-Jitsu Fire in Portuguse!

Card-Jitsu Fire is in Portuguse! To watch the video(in Portuguse), go to :
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Club Penguin In Portuguse!

Club Penguin Is In Portuguse! If you want to play, just go to:
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

How to become a Secret Agent!

So you want to be a Secret Agent? Here's how to be come one:
1. Click the “M” badge in the top right corner of your Club Penguin screen.

2. Flip through (sort of) until you are asked questions.
3. Use these answers to answer the questions(if you can't answer them).
Question. Are you ready to become a secret agent?
Answer. Yes

Question. Pick one quality that you think a secret agent should have.
Answer. Honest

Question. Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator.
Answer. Being mean or rude

Question. What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
Answer. Report them

Question. What type of personal information should be reported?
Answer. Saying their address

Question. Pick one reason you want to be a secret agent.
Answer. I want to keep Club Penguin safe

Question. Pick another reason you want to be a secret agent.
Answer. I want to help other penguins.

You are now a secret agent! Your spy-phone will be added to your inventory the next time you log into Club Penguin(or, sometimes, it will be added right away).
Hope this helps!


Gary the Gadget Guy (more formally known as Agent G), is Club Penguin's only inventor and scientist and also the owner of the Sport Shop. He likes wearing a white lab coat and his special twisted spectacles, and enjoys eating Fish Dish Pizza, Cheese pizza, and a combination of icing, sugar, hot sauce, jelly beans, and Fish Pizza. He is almost always seen drinking Coffee. It is rumored that fine-tuning the coffee machine to play music while the coffee was brewing was one of his first projects. It's not known how Gary has his eyes.

Gary has been making inventions since the first day of Club Penguin. Some of his inventions are around the island for normal penguins, but most were put in the Gadget Room, like the Test Chamber and the Crab Translator 3000. Gary ends most of his inventions with a number like 1000, 2000 or 3000 (Mainly 3000). 1000 is the prototype and 3000 is the complete version. It is probable that his projects receive copious funding from the PSA, since Gary would be unable to afford all required components without some source of financial support. Many of Gary's inventions have been proven as failures, such as the Ski Lift 1000, therefore suggesting that his inventing skill is not as good as he lets on.
Gary helps you alot in the Secret Missions. Here are some photos from the missions:

I have a gallery of photos of Gary, Here's the link to see it:
For more information about Gary, visit this link:
Enjoy this post!!!

Club Penguin In Spanish!

Club Penguin is in Spanish! If you want to play it, go to:
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Captain Rockhopper (commonly known as Rockhopper) is a friendly pirate penguin that regularly sails to Club Penguin via the Migrator (usually about every three months or so); accompanied by his red puffle, Yarr. His ship is always docked at the Beach. He keeps a journal of his adventures, and sells rare items brought over from Rockhopper Island. When he comes to Club Penguin, he always gives away a free item in the Pirate Catalog. Players can sometimes see Rockhopper in random places in random servers when he lands in Club Penguin. Players can receive a free gift from Rockhopper from his player card. Rockhopper is named after the real-life Southern Rockhopper Penguin.
Club Penguin has a multitude of servers, and Rockhopper can be hard to find. Trackers are not an option, because they are fake, but some work with lookouts on servers. Every time he comes, he brings a new free item with him, in the Ship Hold. Rockhopper will be docked at the Beach again on March 5, 2010.
Rockhopper gives out an autographed backround to all those who are lucky enough to find him.

In Rockhoppers' player card, there is not a "make friend" button (instead there is a box button which if you click on you get a background). If you click on the "Go to house" button, it goes to the Migrator. All other buttons (Find Friend, Go to house, Send Mail, Ignore and Report) are disabled.
In the past, the box button used to be a smiling face.
Only Rockhopper can make friends with other penguins. If you are a friend of Rockhopper, he will not appear on your friends list. He will visit you. This is valid for every penguin except Billybob.
Yarr is seen doing the same facial expression as Rockhopper on Rockhopper's player card.
I have a gallery of Rockhopper photos. Go to this link to view it:
For more information,visit this link:
We met Rockhopper, click on this link:
Enjoy this post!!!
Rockhopper Trackers:
Here are my small collection of Rockhopper Trackers. Beware that trackers don't always work. Enjoy them!!!

Rockhopper Location

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All photos on this blog are avalible for anyone to take, but please do NOT copy will texts on the blog posts. If you do, you could face big consiquences.
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